Hillsong - Yahweh ♥ & Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are ♥ (special edition by JS)

Friday, March 28, 2008


I was particularly impressed with this new singer FERRAS....especially his talents & voice :P

FERRAS - Aliens & Rainbows

Ferras (pronounced Fer-AHSS) approaches a big pop hook the way a Formula One driver approaches a straightaway: he floors it. At each turn on the 25-year-old’s debut album – the sensual “Take My Lips,” the anthemic “Liberation Day,” the tour de force title track, “Aliens and Rainbows,” and the soon to be hit single, “Hollywood’s Not America,” to name but a few – it’s evident a daring young artist has arrived. While inspired by Bowie, The Beatles and Elton John, Ferras’ songs are infused with a distinctly personal sensibility.

Growing up in a small, southern Illinois town, Ferras always felt out of place. The feeling was only compounded when, shortly after his parents’ divorce, his father took him to the airport, promising a trip to Disneyland, but instead spiriting him away to his homeland – Amman, Jordan. Ferras took solace in the Casio keyboard his father bought him and began writing songs. His mother eventually succeeded in bringing him back to Illinois, but the sense of alienation persisted until they moved to Southern California and he began pursuing a music career in earnest.

Produced by The Matrix (Avril Lavigne, Jason Mraz, Korn) with Gary Clark (Natalie Imbruglia, Lloyd Cole), Aliens and Rainbows is a potent reminder that sometimes it takes an outsider to give voice to the emotions buried deep inside us all. And its message clearly resonates. Well in advance of its April 2008 release, Ferras performed on the “Today” show and lead single “Hollywood’s Not America” was tapped for two episodes of the hit Fox series “American Idol.”

Hollywood's Not America - By Ferras

Born Helena Jane
With a restless soul
She moved west to California
Became a Center-Fold

But once you change your name
Well the pieces fall
Now she hardly recognizes herself at all

And there’s never any rain, when you want it
A hollow little game, and you’ve won it
Looking for a thrill but you’ve done it all

So long, put your blue jeans back on girl
Go home
Remember Hollywood’s not America
So long put your blue jeans back on girl
Go home
Remember Hollywood’s not America
O yea

And everybody heres, from somewhere else
You could make a million dollars, but you might lose yourself
And you can take the heat will your heart go cold
They say acting’s just pretending, even that gets old
[Hollywood's Not America lyrics on http://www.metrolyrics.com]

And there’s never any rain, when you want it
A hollow little game, and you’ve won it
Looking for a thrill but you’ve done it all

So long, put your blue jeans back on girl
Go home
Remember Hollywood’s not America
So long put your blue jeans back on girl
Go home
Remember Hollywood’s not America

And I know what to do when
I know that you
You can be anything you want to be

So long, put your blue jeans back on girl
Go home
Remember Hollywood’s not America
So long put your blue jeans back on girl
Go home
Remember Hollywood’s not America
Hollywood’s not America
It’s not America

Dear God - By Ferras

Dear god listen up
I have to ask you a question
I can't hear
I think you're breaking up
I need a clearer connection

B verse:

And god
Are you listening
And god
Are you even there


Now answer this
If you really exist
Why do i have to deal
With all this bullshit
What did i ever do
Can i make it up to you
If you're so full of grace
Then send it
On down


Lessons we learn
From the top of our birth
Are an endless source of confusion
See i'm on a search
Because i've heard
You've got a magic solution

B verse:

And god
It's time that you explain
And god
Are you even there


Now answer this
If you really exist
Why do i have to deal
With all this bullshit
What did i ever do
Can i make it up to you
If you're so full of grace
Then send it
On down


Dear god
Your grace
Send it on down
To me
Dear god
Your grace
Send it on down
Send it on down
Send it on down
To me
On down to me
Come on send your love down to me


Now answer this
If you really exist
Why do i have to deal
With all this bullshit
What did i ever do
Can i make it up to you
If you're so full of grace
Then send it
On down

No comments:

I hope it is a place where people get inspired. A place where a prayer is found..A place where supports are available..
Love shall never end..It shall never cease..Because all we have to do is to LISTEN & BELIEVE!

All About Me

“I asked God for strength that I might achieve. I was made weak that I might learn humbly to obey. I asked for health that I might do greater things. I was given infirmity that I might do better things. I asked for riches that I might be happy. I was given poverty that I might be wise. I asked for power that I might have the praise of men. I was given weakness that I might feel the need of God. I asked for all things that I might enjoy life. I was given life that I might enjoy all things. I got nothing that I asked for, but everything I hoped for. Almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered. I am, among all men, most richly blessed.”

Personal Info:

Interests: collecting Starbucks cards (actually anything has to do with Starbucks), watching latest fashion trends, traveling, food tasting, watching movies, doing shoppings (of cuz when it is necessary!), driving nice cars (or just by looking at it), listening music (very imp!), playing piano & composing songs (lack of practice :P), writing stuffs on my blog, playing with my precious doggy (although Puffy's been pretty annoying lately), looking at beautiful things!! ^___^

Favorite Music Genres:
Pop, Jazz, Gospel, Soft Rock, R&B, Hip-Hop

Favorite TV Shows:
King of the Queens, Friends; Prison Break, Project Runway, Travel & Living...etc

Favorite Quotes:
*Easier Than You Think…because life doesn't have to be so hard -- Richard Carlson
*It is a greater compliment to be trusted than to be loved -- George MacDonald
*In poverty and other misfortunes of life, true friends are a sure refuge. The young they keep out of mischief; to the old they are a comfort and aid in their weakness, and those in the prime of life they incite to noble deeds -- Aristotle
*Keep a fair-sized cemetery in your back yard, in which to bury the faults of your friends -- Henry Ward Beecher
*The most I can do for my friend is simply be his friend -- Henry David Thoreau
*A joy shared is a joy doubled -- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Questions to Ask:
-Do my closest friends enjoy just being with me?
-Am I a friend that others depend on during difficult times?

Love isn't love unless it is expressed; caring isn't caring unless the other person knows;sharing isn't sharing unless the other person is included; Loving, caring, and sharing can make for a very happy marriage -- by Anonymous