Hillsong - Yahweh ♥ & Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are ♥ (special edition by JS)

Friday, March 21, 2008

Follow the music of your heart

On my way from Vancouver to Manila I watched a movie called "August Rush"...It wasn't a movie that I find interesting at the beginning though, but once started watching it..u just can't wait to find out more.

A kid uses his musical talents to find his true birth parents. There are times that the kid doubt himself whether he's going to find them or not, but when it comes to music...it's like something he can't live without it! It's his passion...that and the only thing he can't live without it. How he plays guitar with his father without knowing it's really him......wow! When people focus on the things they love to do, they find true joy and happiness!

What about you? What's your passion? ........just follow the music in your heart!

The following is just something fun to see whether you're a pro artistic kinda person! :P

Cognitive-Style Quiz
Choose the one sentence that is more true. Do not leave any blanks.

A ) It's fun to take risks.
B ) I have fun without taking risks.

A ) I look for new ways to do old jobs.
B ) When one way works well, I don't change it.

A ) I begin many jobs that I never finish.
B ) I finish a job before starting a new one.

A ) I'm not very imaginative in my work.
B ) I use my imagination in everything I do.

A ) I can analyze what is going to happen next.
B ) I can sense what is going to happen next.

A ) I try to find the one best way to solve a problem.
B ) I try to find different answers to problems.

A ) My thinking is like pictures going through my head.
B ) My thinking is like words going through my head.

A ) I agree with new ideas before other people do.
B ) I question new ideas more than other people do.

A ) Other people don't understand how I organize things.
B ) Other people think I organize well.

A ) I have good self-discipline.
B ) I usually act on my feelings.

A ) I plan time for doing my work.
B ) I don't think about the time when I work.

A ) With a hard decision, I choose what I know is right.
B ) With a hard decision, I choose what I feel is right.

A ) I do easy things first and important things later.
B ) I do the important things first and the easy things later.

A ) Sometimes in a new situation, I have too many ideas.
B ) Sometimes in a new situation, I don't have any ideas.

A ) I have to have a lot of change and variety in my life.
B ) I have to have an orderly and well-planned life.

A ) I know I'm right, because I have good reasons.
B ) I know I'm right, even without good reasons.

A ) I spread my work evenly over the time I have.
B ) I prefer to do my work at the last minute.

A ) I keep everything in a particular place.
B ) Where I keep things depends on what I'm doing.

A ) I have to make my own plans.
B ) I can follow anyone's plans.

A ) I am a very flexible and unpredictable person.
B ) I am a consistent and stable person.

A ) With a new task, I want to find my own way of doing it.
B ) With a new task, I want to be told the best way to it.

To Score

Give yourself one point for each time you answered "A" for questions: 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21.
Give yourself one point for each time you answered "B" for questions: 4 ,5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18.
Add all points. Totals imply:
0-4: strong left brain
5-8: moderate left brain
9-13: middle brain
14-16: moderate right brain
17-21: strong right brain

Preferences of the Two Sides of the Brain
Description of the Left-Hemisphere Functions
Constantly monitors our sequential, ongoing behavior
Responsible for awareness of time, sequence, details, and order
Responsible for auditory receptive and verbal expressive strengths
Specializes in words, logic, analytical thinking, reading, and writing
Responsible for boundaries and knowing right from wrong
Knows and respects rules and deadlines

Description of the Right-Hemisphere Functions
Alerts us to novelty; tells us when someone is lying or making a joke
Specializes in understanding the whole picture
Specializes in music, art, visual-spatial and/or visual-motor activities
Helps us form mental images when we read and/or converse
Responsible for intuitive and emotional responses.
Helps us to form and maintain relationships

Carol Philips, Ed.D, is an associate professor in education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, where she is designing and directing a professional development program for teaching fellows.

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I hope it is a place where people get inspired. A place where a prayer is found..A place where supports are available..
Love shall never end..It shall never cease..Because all we have to do is to LISTEN & BELIEVE!

All About Me

“I asked God for strength that I might achieve. I was made weak that I might learn humbly to obey. I asked for health that I might do greater things. I was given infirmity that I might do better things. I asked for riches that I might be happy. I was given poverty that I might be wise. I asked for power that I might have the praise of men. I was given weakness that I might feel the need of God. I asked for all things that I might enjoy life. I was given life that I might enjoy all things. I got nothing that I asked for, but everything I hoped for. Almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered. I am, among all men, most richly blessed.”

Personal Info:

Interests: collecting Starbucks cards (actually anything has to do with Starbucks), watching latest fashion trends, traveling, food tasting, watching movies, doing shoppings (of cuz when it is necessary!), driving nice cars (or just by looking at it), listening music (very imp!), playing piano & composing songs (lack of practice :P), writing stuffs on my blog, playing with my precious doggy (although Puffy's been pretty annoying lately), looking at beautiful things!! ^___^

Favorite Music Genres:
Pop, Jazz, Gospel, Soft Rock, R&B, Hip-Hop

Favorite TV Shows:
King of the Queens, Friends; Prison Break, Project Runway, Travel & Living...etc

Favorite Quotes:
*Easier Than You Think…because life doesn't have to be so hard -- Richard Carlson
*It is a greater compliment to be trusted than to be loved -- George MacDonald
*In poverty and other misfortunes of life, true friends are a sure refuge. The young they keep out of mischief; to the old they are a comfort and aid in their weakness, and those in the prime of life they incite to noble deeds -- Aristotle
*Keep a fair-sized cemetery in your back yard, in which to bury the faults of your friends -- Henry Ward Beecher
*The most I can do for my friend is simply be his friend -- Henry David Thoreau
*A joy shared is a joy doubled -- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Questions to Ask:
-Do my closest friends enjoy just being with me?
-Am I a friend that others depend on during difficult times?

Love isn't love unless it is expressed; caring isn't caring unless the other person knows;sharing isn't sharing unless the other person is included; Loving, caring, and sharing can make for a very happy marriage -- by Anonymous